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The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) launched a new website, Facts About Teen Drinking. This resource was designed for teens and provides information about health impacts associated with alcohol, how to identify signs of an alcohol-related problem, and where to get help. 

Visit the website to learn more and consider sharing it with the teens in your life! 

Lea esta página en español.

From pop culture and news headlines to local shops and the internet, “marijuana” and “cannabis” are often used interchangeably—but these terms technically refer to different things. Start Talking Now can help you understand the difference and be a reliable source to guide discussions with your teen about the risks of using these substances.

What’s the difference?

Cannabis refers to all products derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, including those that mainly produce cannabidiol (... read more

The National Highway Safety Traffic Safety Administration's (NHSTA) Teen Driving site contains information on states' driver licensing requirements for teens as well as ideas and resources to help you—the parents—lay down the ground rules with your aspiring driver before you hand over the car keys. Here you will find in-depth information on some of the most common safety problems novice teen drivers should avoid. Educate yourself about the consequences of illegal alcohol use by minors, the benefits of seat belt use, the growing epidemic of distracted driving, and much more.

Visit NHSTA's Teen Driving site to learn more about the risk factors that are most likely to impact teens, including distracted driving,... read more
