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Parents are the most powerful influence in their child’s life. That’s why a new ad campaign asks parents across Washington State to talk with their kids about the risks of marijuana use. The campaign uses banner ads on websites and Facebook to pose simple, real-life questions and scenarios that parents could face with their teenagers.

Questions include:

  • “Your teen asks why marijuana is legal for you, but not him. And you say?”
  • “Your teen asks how marijuana can be harmful if it’s also a medicine. Your answer?”
  • “Your teen comes home and you smell marijuana. Now what?”
  •  “My teen would never smoke marijuana. But would she eat it in a brownie?”

The ads link to the ... read more

Summer vacation is here, which means teens will be spending more time out and about doing fun things with friends.  Summertime can also mean less supervision, and a greater chance your teen will have access to alcohol, marijuana or other drugs. 

When teens use alcohol, marijuana or other drugs, they can become impaired more quickly than someone who is over 21.  Any impairment can lead to poor choices -- such as swimming, boating or driving under the influence, and tragic consequences -- such as drowning and vehicle crashes.

It's important to know that parents matter, even when children reach their teens.Research shows that parents, not peers, have the most influence on a teen’s decisions about alcohol, marijuana and other drug use.  The following are proven ways to help... read more

Dr. Leslie Walker with Seattle Children's hospital recently recorded a video message for parents about marijuana, teens and addiction.  Hear what she has to say about the real impacts of marijuana on teens, and what parents can do.   
